Wednesday, July 27, 2016

You do not have access to one or more data providers, only the ones for which you permission will be refreshed. (Error: WIS_30286)

When you run a webi report which is of Multi source (one is SQL server 2012/08. 2. Excel)

To fix this, opened the report in modify mode, check the tab that connected to Excel source.

Open that Tab
On left hand side - Check the Source Path (even though it shows as conencted)

Click on the ... to open the source
Repoint to that Source

Apply changes and close (you will see on right top corner drop down beside close)

Run the report, it works like charm

Friday, June 10, 2016

Lumira server testings after installing 1.28/1.29

*a -Successful

Functionality Test

Successful Connection to Repository from Client Tool a
Check on demand connection to Universe a
Check on demand connection to Hana a
Check on demand connection to BW a
Check Basic navigation a
Lumira Tool bar functionality a
Edit Lumira Workbook from server a
Check Formatting same as client tools a
Check Dashboard functionality a
Check export options a

Open Doc Link generation a
Book Marks a
Scheduling Lumira Workbook a

Behaviours of Lumira Document Scheduling in BI Platform

 Only the Lumira server would understand how to run Lumira. This is just like the other servers can only run jobs for the document type they support, Crystal Reports Job server for Crystal Reports files and Webi Servers will only run WEBI files.

SAP Lumira Server for BI Platform (LS4BIP) supports scheduling of Lumira documents that are based on following data sources:
  • .UNX universe acquired using Query Panel Extension (QPE)
    • Note: Scheduling a document with prompts in the Universe data source is not supported in LS4BIP.
  • SAP Business Warehouse
  • Excel, CSV and text
    • Note: You should place the .xls/.csv/.txt file at a shared location and use UNC path while creating connection to the data source file.
Ensure you have schedule rights for the SAP Lumira document.
As of LS4BIP 1.29, HANA data sources ("Connect to HANA" or "Download from HANA") are NOT supported for scheduling.

  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) Platform 4.1, SP04 and above
  • SAP Lumira Desktop, version 1.29
  • SAP Lumira Server for BI Platform, version 1.29
In Lumira Desktop 1.29, when saving a document to BI Platform (File -> Save As > SAP BI Platform), you will see a new option "Save without Data":
  • If a Lumira document is saved with data (de-selecting the option), the .lums file will contain a snapshot of the dataset captured at the time the document was created.
  • If a Lumira document is saved without data, it will only have a connection string to the underlying data source.
    • If the document is created using "Connect to HANA" option (HANA online), dataset snapshot will NOT be saved either way

11-20-2015 5.06.29 PM.png
Here is a summary of the behaviours when viewing or scheduling a Lumira document:
 Saved with DataSaved without Data
View On-demandLumira stories and visualizations are rendered with dataset snapshot captured when the document was saved to the BI PlatformLumira Server will always retrieve the latest data from the data source in order to render the stories and visualizations 
Schedule an instanceLumira Server will retrieve the latest data from the data source, and saves the document with a dataset snapshot as a new .lums file in the BI Platform file store
View a scheduled instanceLumira stories and visualizations are rendered with the dataset snapshot which was captured when the instance was scheduled
In BI Lauch Pad when editing a Lumira document, there is also an option to save it without data. The behaviour is the same as Lumira Desktop.
11-26-2015 08-50-46111.png

Friday, July 31, 2015

How to use existing CMS database while installing BI 4.1 using the Custom on Windows

Install SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1 using existing CMS database using Custom/Exapnd installation option on Windows server

SAP BusinessObjects BusinessIntelligence 4.1 installer does not give any option to select existing CMS database while choosing install type Custom/Expand.

Follow these steps to get CMS database option:-
  • Run Installer with Administrator
  • Check Custom/Expand Install Type
  • Select Destination Folder
  • On next screen, expand Server list and uncheck Sybase SQL Anywhere Database.
  • Proceed with the installation and you will get screen to select our existing database.

How to do Silent install on Windows Business Objects / BO / BI 4.1

We can use silent install normally as mentioned in installation guide:- (Page 39)

Steps:-# Open Command prompt with Administrator
# Go to BI setup from cmd.
# Run command setup.exe -w "c:\Test.ini"
# Installer will give you GUI option to select, please select all options for Oracle database and start it.
# Installer will disappear after start screen.
# Open Test.ini file and make changes in password fields, Cluster keys, Product key.
# Install product again with Test.ini file by running command setup.exe -r "c:\test.ini".

Steps that got on to my ini file

### Choose to Integrate Introscope Enterprise Manager: integrate or nointegrate

### Choose to Integrate Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) Agent: integrate or nointegrate

### CMS cluster key

### CMS administrator password

### CMS connection port

### Existing Auditing DB password

### Existing Auditing DB server

### Existing Auditing DB user name

### Existing CMS DB password

### Existing CMS DB reset flag: 0 or 1

### Existing CMS DB server

### Existing CMS DB user name

### Installation Directory
installdir=E:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\

### Choose install type: default, custom, webtier

### Introscope Enterprise Manager Hostname

### Introscope Enterprise Manager Port Number

### Choose install mode: new, expand

### Product Keycode

### Language Packs Selected to Install

### Setup UI Language

### SIA node name

### SIA connector port

### SMD Agent Hostname

### SMD Agent Port Number

### Auditing Database Type

### CMS Database Type

### WACS port

### Available features
### ------------------
### root
###   WebTier
###     JavaWebApps1
###     MobileServices
### MobileServers
###       MobileAddon
### IntegratedTomcat
###   Servers
### PlatformServers
###       CMS
###       FRS
### PlatformServers.IntegratedDB.SQLAnywhere
### PlatformServers.EventServer
### PlatformServers.WebAppContainerService
### AdaptiveProcessingServer
### AdaptiveJobServer
### Platform.RestWebService
### Platform.Action.Framework.backend
###       Subversion
###     ConnectionServices
### ConnectionProcService
### DataFederatorServices

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How to Delete a Service in Windows

If you are a fan of tweaking your system and disabling services, you might find that over time your Windows Services list becomes huge and unwieldy with a large number of services in the list that will never be enabled.
Instead of just disabling a service, you can alternatively completely delete the service. This technique can be especially helpful if you’ve installed some piece of software that doesn’t uninstall correctly, and leaves an item in the service list.
Important Note: Once you delete a service, it’s gone, and it’s going to be a pain to add it back. Use with caution.
Deleting a Service
The first thing you’ll need to do is identify the name of the service, so open up Services through the start menu or control panel, and then find the service in the list that you want to delete.
You’ll want to open up the properties by double-clicking on the service name, and then highlight the “Service name” value and copy it to the clipboard. This is what we’ll need to disable it.
You’ll need to open up a command prompt, and if you are using Windows 7 or Vista you’ll need to right-click the command prompt and choose Run as Administrator. We’ll use the sc command to actually do the work.
The syntax used to delete a service is this:
sc delete ServiceName
If your service name has spaces in it, you’ll need to wrap the service name in quotes, like this:
sc delete “Adobe LM Service”
Note that I’m not recommending deleting this particular service, it’s just an example.
Now if you use the F5 key to refresh your Services list, you’ll see that the service is gone.
I’ve found that using this technique (carefully) can make your Services list a lot more useful, since you don’t have to weed through dozens of items you will never have enabled.


How to kill hanged services in Windows

Not all the services you will be able to kill from Task Manager. Some services still run even though if you uninstall or disable them

A hanged service looks like the below screenshot example (as you can see below, all Start/Stop/Pause/Resume buttons are disabled):
To kill this service, first note the service name. On the screenshot above, it is ‘Business View Manager’ (ie: the first thing displayed in the “General” tab).

Then, open a command Prompt and run the ‘sc queryex’ command to retrieve the service PID, then use the ‘taskkill’ command to… well, kill it ! (as below)
C:\>sc queryex Business View Manager
SERVICE_NAME: Business View Manager
TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
STATE              : 2  START_PENDING
WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
CHECKPOINT         : 0x1
WAIT_HINT          : 0xbb8
PID                : 3756
FLAGS              :
C:\>taskkill /PID 3756 /F

SUCCESS: The process with PID 3756 has been terminated.

Note: Be careful of what you are killing though.  If you kill a critical windows service you may end up forcing the machine to reboot on it own.